EMDR is one of the most effective treatments of trauma and PTSD, being A rated by the American Psychological Association and listed as an evidence based treatment. In addition to PTSD and big T traumas (e.g., war, abuse), it can also be helpful with little t traumas (e.g., bullying, medical trauma, moment of parental rejection). If your child is struggling with the effects of trauma or emotional reactivity, then Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) can be effective for him or her.
Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) is a short-term way to process trauma and is effective with adults, adolescents, and children. Our therapists are experienced with EMDR, having been providing EMDR for a number of years as well as having trained and supervised others in providing EMDR. |
To schedule a free phone consultation or to set up an appointment with us, call (415) 488-5781 or click below.
Providing Trusted, Compassionate, Effective Therapy
(415) 488-5781